Spatial Filter - Rectangular

lowpass, highpass, bandpass or band reject rectangular spatial filters

Script: Filtering/


This Python External Attribute script applies lowpass, highpass, bandpass or band reject spatial filters with rectangular symmetry. The filters are applied by direct spatial convolution of a kernel formed by cascading two 1D Hamming Window FIR filters computed using scipy.signal.firwin (

By setting the stepout in one direction to 0 the filter will be applied as a 1D spatial filter in the other direction.

Note that the filter cutoff or band pass/reject frequency is specified in Normalised Spatial Frequency. Normalised Frequency ranges from 0 to 1 at the spatial nyquist. Converting a spatial frequency in cycles/metre to the equivalent Normalised Spatial Frequency is as simple as dividing it by the spatial nyquist frequency.


This example shows inline and crossline FK spectra after applying a 2D lowpass rectangular filter with inline and crossline normalised frequency cutoffs of 0.6 and 0.3 respectively.

Input Inline FK Spectrum After lowpass filter
Input crossline FK Spectrum After lowpass filter

This example shows a timeslice at 300ms TWT from the F3 Demo dataset after applying a 1D spatial filter along the inlines (stepout of 0,9) with a crossline normalised frequency cutoff of 0.5.

Input Xline Lowpass Filtered

This example shows the timeslice at 300ms TWT from the F3 Demo dataset with the crossline lowpass filter above followed by a 1D bandreject spatial filter along the crosslines (stepout 9,0) with an inline normalised rejection frequency of 0.17.

Xline Lowpass Input Inline Bandreject Filtered

Input Parameters input parameters input parameters

Stepout Determines the size of the convolution operator. Minimum of 9 (filter kernel size of 19) recommended. Setting the stepout to zero will apply a 1D filter, e.g. a stepout of 0,9 will apply a 1D crossline frequency filter.
Type Filter type - Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass or Band Reject.
Normalised Inline Spatial Frequency For Low Pass and High Pass filters this specifies the inline filter cutoff. For Band Pass/Reject filters this is the centre of the pass/reject band. The width of the band is hardwired to +/- 0.1 in the script. The filter cutoff corresponds to the half amplitude point.
Normalised Xline Spatial Frequency For Low Pass and High Pass filters this specifies the crosslineline filter cutoff. For Band Pass/Reject filters this is the centre of the pass/reject band. The width of the band is hardwired to +/- 0.1 in the script. The filter cutoff corresponds to the half amplitude point.

Last modified April 17, 2022: First update (afe101d)