
Seismic Modelling and Inversion using PyLops based Python External Attributes

The 6.6.8 release of the wmPlugins includes a number of new Python external attribute scripts that use the PyLops linear operator library for seismic modelling and inversion. These scripts also demonstrate the use of the new user interface parameter elements introduced in the 6.6.8 release of the External Attribute plugin.

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GPU vs CPU Benchmarks for OpendTect Attribute Plugins

The potential to offload calculations to the graphics processing unit (GPU) on modern graphics cards is a trending topic. I was curious if this could also apply to seismic attribute calculation in OpendTect, so I implemented AVO polarization angle estimation as described by Mahob and Castagna (2003) using 3 different approaches:

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Anatomy of a Python External Attribute

This article will review the structure of a simple Python [../plugins/ExternalAttrib] script,, which converts inline and crossline dip to true dip and dip azimuth. It is an example of multi attribute, single trace input and output. Some basic understanding of Python and Numpy is assumed.

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